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The scene as they arrive is brilliant as they try to think of fake names, picking up two magazines , Whats on and Homes. One wants to be a doctor, so can you guess the names chosen? Dr Watson and Mr Holmes! The play takes a twist and nobody is as they seem, so we are treated to a smashing ending.

NODA review of Some People, SS Simon and Judes ADS, Bolton UK


A quick-fire comedy that hits the ground running.

Stage Whispers, Australia on According to Rumour


Laughter on a plate.

Dewsbury Reporter, UK on According to Rumour


"Annie's Love" was by far the most challenging, and rewarding role I have ever portrayed. Leaves me and the audience breathless every time. 

Brianna Ellison, USA on Annie's Love


Anglesey Drama Festival . Best Comedy 2015 (UK) 

Best Senior Play at Chelford Drama Festival (UK)

Best Senior Actor in the role of "Ashworth" at Chelford Drama Festival (UK)

Adjudicator's award at Wilmslow Guild One Act play Festival. (UK)

Protea Stage Productions won Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Newcomer and was runner up for Best Production in the Franklin Players One Act Play Festival 2016

All By Myself Awards


We as a cast just put on our presentation of this play this weekend. What a rousing success this show was! We just wanted to send a thank you to the playwright. If you could please make sure that Mr. Robert Scott gets this message. In a night of one acts that our College of Theater was putting on to showcase the array of theater talents in our department this One Act was so well received and, as my professor said, a great slice of life. It was the hit of the night, the hit of 6 one act shows! One acts that included many well known and popular plays, comedies and dramas. We have gotten an endless stream of comments on how great a find this play was. We are so privileged to have been able to find this show and put it on. From a production standpoint, this show was as enjoyable to produce as it was to perceive. Thank you ever so much, Mr. Scott, for the use of your show.

From the production team and cast, from North Central University of MN-USA on The Act Of Living


Closure is uproariously funny...the ultimate cat-and-mouse game between former lovers. Annie's Love completely captivates the audience with heartfelt, honest and raw emotions...not a dry eye in the house.

World Premiere at La Strada Ensemble Theater, USA of Closure and Annie's Love


A powerful new one act play by Robert Scott of Willington held an audience spellbound when it made its debut in Burton at the town hall.

The Burton Mail on The Act Of Living


I personally regard Robert Scott as a very talented writer and composer with an ability to write strong melodies combined with simple yet original lyrics. In my opinion the songs which I’ve heard so far demonstrate all the highest standards required for a West End musical.

David Matthews, Ivor Novello Award Winner


Upon listening to the song the melody thru-out the pre-choruses [of Rewind] really hit me as classic. It really feels like a Broadway song to me.

Brian Steen, Sony Producer


It’s good for groans and more than a couple guffaws. At times the actors are completely and obviously aware of how hilarious their dialogue is.

The Cascade, Canada on A Spy With A View


Broken was tense, exciting and a joy to read and perform! You just couldn't predict what was going to happen next! 

Louisa Doswell, Notebook Arts Workshop, UK on Broken

The author’s skilled and insightful characterisations held my attention. Act one develops the story with ease and we feel that the family and their torture are both believable and understandable. This confidence in the plot development leaves us open to the shock at the end of the act. I won’t say anymore in fear of lessening the impact for future audiences. Needless to say this is not achieved by accident. Acting and directing obviously have their input, but it is the strength of the script that creates the atmosphere and tension that absorbs the audience so fully.

Kirsty Cook, on A House Amongst The Willows


Such deep and meaningful writing that everyone can share in. We were honoured to be able to perform the Act of Living. 

Kathleen Stannard, Nomadic Players, Wales on The Act Of Living


We have absolutely loved working on your show – the script is delicate, moving and a joy to direct. We had our first performance at the Welwyn Festival on Saturday and the audience loved it – we even had people leaving in tears!! There were comments about how perfect the script was for a one act festival and how it really worked with minimalist set, with the focus being on the development of the relationship between Dylan and Samantha which was great to hear.

Victoria Pritchard, Lighthorne Drama Group, Warwick, UK on 12Hr Life


A crowd pleaser with everything! 

Glam Adelaide, Australia on According to Rumour.


After the interval we had another farce by award-winning playwright Robert Scott with the much newer Bride Before A Fall. This neat 35 minute long play had a more straightforward story line - or so it seemed. The extremely talented Sarah Stevens imbued Madelyn (the Mistress) with great cunning. She oscillated between lover, best friend and potential murderess in a worryingly convincing performance. Whilst Marion Campbell, superb as Lottie, drove husband and friend mad with a piercingly shrill laugh ...This was fun to watch as Madelyn and Victor worked their way through the “many ways on how to murder” app. No spoilers but they didn’t reckon on No. 37 the lightning strike!

NODA review of Bride Before A Fall, Haslingfield Little Theatre, Cambridge UK 


We were treated to drama and twist in the tail stories by Dramatis Personae’s version of Checkmate, which I very much enjoyed, Julian [playing Michael] and Sylvana Felice [playing Amy] playing off each other very effectively and taking us through an emotional ride right through to the twist at the end of the story. 

Jackie Anderson,, Gibraltar on Checkmate


Rewind is firmly mainstream. It would sit firmly in a musical or Disney film, especially more traditional ones. Maybe more recently this may sit in a Simon Cowell type show or by a mainstream act. You clearly know what you are doing technically and this is well constructed and crafted.

Nick Feldman, Wang Chung founder and former head of Sony International


A Spy With A View - Best Scene Award



A Charming Affair - Judges Winner 

Short + Sweet Festival, Dubai


[The Act Of Living] takes the audience on an emotive journey through the decades and transfixed the audience with its insight into a young couple who met as children during World War II and how their lives evolved over time.  

Lauren Newby,, Kirkby-In-Furness, UK

Published by Lazy Bee Scripts.

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