Sketches and Monologues

A Charming Affair
A Charming Affair (Comedy)
Award Winning! Short+Sweet Festival . Judges choice winner 2014 (Dubai)
Snow White and Cinderella meet for the first time in years and talk about their husbands, but soon notice a startling similarity. It's no fairy tale, but things get worse when Sleeping Beauty pops in to tell them about her new man...
Cast Size – 4
(3 Females, 1 Non-Gender Specific)
Estimated 8 Minutes
Picture - KAFPA, UK

Annie's Love
Annie's Love (Monologue)
A troubled young woman sits alone with only a camcorder and a message. At rock bottom, Annie has lived a life full of bad choices. Obsessed with the person the recording is intended for, she explains how she has come to this point in time. But who is this message for and how will it shape future events?
Cast Size – 1
(1 female)
Estimated 10 Minutes
Picture - La Strada Ensemble Theatre, USA

The Angry Doctor
The Angry Doctor (Comedy)
An anxious patient meets a doctor whose bedside manner is, to say the least, unusual.
Cast Size – 2
(Non-Gender Specific)
Estimated 4 Minutes
Picture - Simon Lew, USA

Audition Anxiety
Audition Anxiety (Comedy)
Loretta is late for her audition, but worse than that, there are no other members of the theatre group left! Can she audition for the director anyway? Her performance is certainly memorable.
Cast Size – 2
(1 male, 1 female)
Estimated 7 Minutes.
Picture - Nose Creek Players, Canada

A Fairy Trial
A Fairy Trial (Comedy)
We are all entitled to a fair trial. Nursery rhyme characters get a fairy trial. In this case, Wee Willy Winkie is in the dock for indecency and causing a public nuisance. His future looks bleak, but things look up when a prosecution witness goes to pieces. Without Humpty, is there a case against Wee Willie? Can the prosecution or defence sway the jury - played by the audience?
Cast Size – 5
(2 Males, 3 Non-Gender Specific)
Estimated 8 Minutes.
Picture - DUCTAS, Dubai

Banter (Comedy)
John and Angie are having a quiet and pleasant conversation before breakfast - or so it would seem. Luckily for us, they each have an interpreter on hand so we can understand what they are really saying.
Cast Size – 4
(2 males, 2 females)
Estimated 6 Minutes
Picture - The Paintbox Players, UK

Blatant Distruptions
Blatant Disruptions (Zany Comedy)
The newly combined groups of “Blatant Confusions” and “Archaeological Disruptions” are a set of characters throughout history (including a caveman, William Shakespeare and Leonardo Da Vinci to name a few). They have their first meeting to hear about the progress on Stonehenge and other plans for confounding historians and archaeologists of the future.
Cast Size – 6 or 7 (Director's choice)
(All Non Gender Specific)
Estimated 9 Minutes
Picture - Under The Milk Cart, UK

Deja Deja Vu
Deja Deja Vu (Comedy)
You know the feeling you get that something has happened before? Well Derek's had that feeling before - and for good reason. You know the feeling you get that something has happened before? Well Derek's had that feeling before - and for good reason.
Cast Size – 2
(1 male, 1 female)
Estimated 4 Minutes
Picture - Mighty Limey Productions, UK

Symphony Dreadful
Symphony Dreadful (Comedy)
Meet Nigel Bradders, a man described by his manager as the next Beethoven. Without a doubt there are many similarities but can he play the piano?
Cast Size – 3
(1 Male, 2 Non-Gender Specific)
Estimated 5 Minutes
Picture - The Laughing Rioters, UK

Joan: The Movie
Joan: The Movie
Cooper thinks this latest movie pitch is 'The One', but movie producer Letterson is not convinced. They have to discuss several inaccuracies in this Joan of Arc biopic such as the elephants (not to mention the flesh eating robots.) Has artistic licence gone too far?
Cast Size – 2
(All Non Gender Specific)
Estimated 7 Minutes
Picture - The Paintbox Players, UK

Across The Universe
Across The Universe (Comedy)
Two co-workers in a search for Extra Terrestrial Life establishment discuss the value of their work.
Cast Size – 2
(1 male, 1 female)
Estimated 10 Minutes
Picture - Medusa Theatre Group, UK

For the Love of Art
For The Love Of Art (Comedy)
Two critics gaze upon a new piece of modern art. What could it mean? Perhaps for all their knowledge in the art world there is only one who knows it's true meaning.
Cast Size – 3
(All Non Gender Specific)
Estimated 3 Minutes
Picture - Notebook Arts, UK